Riverwest 24

Hour Bike Race

July 25-26, 2025 | 7pm - 7pm

The ride starts in: It's on! The ride has been going for:


So you want to be involved in this years Riverwest24 but don't know exactly how?

>>Sign up to Volunteer HERE!<<

Never fear- we need you! This event can only happen with your help! The RW24 is a true community happening that is way more then just the riders, it is the neighbors, the block parties, the impromptu craziness and the Volunteers who help make it all happen!

There are a five main volunteer opportunities that could use hundreds of volunteers- this race can not function without volunteers! Please email [email protected] for information on signing up to help.

Let us know what volunteer opportunity you are interested in, your time commitment, and we will get you on the schedule(s). If you have some other great idea for the event, or a specific skill you want to utilize let us know that too!

Volunteer opportunities:

Pre-race Registration

Check in riders, hand out swag, answer questions pre-race.


Mark chalk boards as riders come through, help tally laps! Cheer riders on! (4 hour shift.)


Needed at busy intersections, to help traffic run smoothly for the riders and the neighbors. 2 hour shift (min.)

Meal Times

Friday night pre-race meal at the Riverwest Co-op will need volunteers to help set up, serve food, and clean up.

Saturday morning breakfast will need volunteer help the few nights before the race with prep, the night of the race for last minute prep and EARLY Sat morning for setup, cooking, serving, and cleanup.


All of our checkpoints could use support. Any night owls out there? You help mark manifests, keep the energy up and cheer, cheer, cheer. 2 hour(min) shifts.

Bonus Checkpoints

Staff a bonus checkpoint, watch the fun and mayhem and make sure that all the riders are scored correctly. 2 hour(min) shifts.

Volunteer HQ

Where volunteers can check in, get t-shirts, refreshments, ask and answer questions, and just meet each other and chill out. We need it always staffed with friendly folk! These volunteers also help fill as-needed volunteer spots during the ride with willing volunteers.

Power hours

You would work at the Start/Finish line area, helping with breakdown of tents and setting up for the closing ceremony. Looking for someone who has gotten some sleep and feels energetic near the end or the race. May need to meet up in the weeks leading up to the race to talk logistics.

Email us at [email protected] to find out how to get involved!