Riverwest 24

Hour Bike Race

July 25-26, 2025 | 7pm - 7pm

The ride starts in: It's on! The ride has been going for:


Below are some local organizations and efforts that you can put your power behind. 

*Supplies and Demand Depot current needs: Supply List
*Volunteer with Ayuda Mutua: bit.ly/ayudafood

  • Ayuda Mutua MKE - provides mutual aid to Milwaukee's Spanish-speaking communities.

Leaders Igniting Transformation - is a Milwaukee youth- and young adult-led coalition working to create local solutions to very serious issues. They aim to impact the daily lives of individuals with the hope that ignites long term structural transformation that changes the life trajectory for youth and young adults of color in Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Freedom Fund provides bail and legal support to protesters in Milwaukee.

Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) is a rad local organization building community block by block.

Mothers For Justice United is Maria Hamilton's organization, which helps families who have lost loved ones to white supremacist murder and police violence. Maria Hamilton is the mother of Dontre Hamilton, who was killed by Milwaukee police in Red Arrow Park in 2016.

Wisconsin Voices - www.wisconsinvoices.org/aart exists to empower and organize the community to transform policies so we can thrive and live at our greatest potential.

Diverse & Resilient works to achieve health equity and improve the safety and well-being of LGBTQ people and communities in Wisconsin.

To inquire about different Resistance volunteer opportunities Supplies & Demand MKE